Case Study

Cascadia Partners Innovates Their Planning Process with UrbanFootprint

Cascadia Partners Integrates Leading-Edge Technology into Their Practice

Cascadia Partners is an emerging consulting leader powered by decades of experience in planning, design, development finance, project management, and community engagement. Founded in 2017, Cascadia Partners sought to add a new, powerful tool to the stable of solutions they offer to complement their cutting-edge technical expertise and unique depth of experience in both scenario planning and plan implementation.

Cascadia Partners first used UrbanFootprint when working on the Resilient Merced project, a guide designed to help local governments, landowners, and planners understand the connections between smart growth, land management, conservation, and greenhouse gas reduction in Merced County, California.

Cascadia Partners is a Portland-based firm with decades of experience in planning, design, development finance, project management and engagement.

UrbanFootprint displays agricultural crop production value for Merced, CA. Darker shades of green indicate a higher crop value.

Impressed by the Conservation Module in UrbanFootprint, they were able to quickly produce scenario reports to emphasize the co-benefits of conservation and smart growth, and make the business case for preserving farmland. Cascadia Partners decided UrbanFootprint was a necessary addition to their planning toolset.

As Cascadia Partners Partner Alex Steinberger explains, “Scenario planning, along with our analytical and technical expertise, is critical to the core of our business. We recognized UrbanFootprint as a game changer in this space and felt we had to add it to our planning arsenal. We knew UrbanFootprint’s ability to add more technical rigor and nuance to our scenario planning would ultimately enhance our competitive edge in this area.”

UrbanFootprint analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per household in Merced, CA. Areas shaded in deep red indicate higher levels of emissions emitted.

UrbanFootprint Opens the Door for Innovation with Extensive Data and Quick Existing Conditions Analyses

After onboarding, Cascadia Partners immediately realized the benefits of UrbanFootprint beyond scenario planning as they began to use the software regularly to craft winning job proposals.

With UrbanFootprint, the team can now include insights that were once cost-prohibitive or too resource-intensive for a proposal. This includes detailed analyses like existing circulation, environmental conditions, emissions, and walk access to key destinations like parks, schools, transit stops, restaurants, and more.

We find UrbanFootprint to be extremely helpful in the proposal process. With comprehensive data coverage, you can create insightful maps with very minimal effort. The client is always surprised to see that you have such detailed data before you even have a contract.

Alex Steinberger, Partner, Cascadia Partners

Beyond the proposal stage, UrbanFootprint supports Cascadia Partners with significant time savings for existing conditions operations during the project kickoff phase. Steinberger notes, “Access to existing land use conditions in minutes for every major U.S. market has been a major asset for us.”  By alleviating time spent on routine existing conditions tasks, Cascadia Partners regains time to innovate and bring more value to the project – two key factors in securing the firm’s competitive advantage and boosting their brand as leading urban planning consultants.

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